Ali Aouad


Ali Aouad

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Dr. Ali Aouad's research is at the interface of algorithm design and operations management. His work studies data-driven decision processes for revenue management and market design in the algorithmic economy, as well as public sector applications, such as cultural experiences and food security management.

Dr. Aouad holds a PhD in Operations Research from MIT and an MS and BS in Applied Mathematics from Ecole Polytechnique (Paris). He is an Associate Editor for Operations Research and Management Science. He has research articles published in Management Science, Operations Research, Mathematics of Operations Research, and Mathematical Programming.

Alongside academia, Dr. Aouad has worked and consulted for technology firms. Before joining LBS, he was an applied scientist at Uber Technology’s Marketplace (San Francisco), where he developed product innovations for matching and pricing. Prior work experiences include public sector strategic consulting at the Boston Consulting Group, market analytics, and quantitative finance.

Personal website:

Selected list of recent awards:

·         2024 Winner of 2024 POMS Applied Research Challenge for “Designing Layouts for Sequential Experiences: Application to Cultural Institutions”

·         2024 Finalist in 2024 POMS Applied Research Challenge for “Food Subsidies and Substitution: Experimental Evidence from Indian Micro Retail Panel Data”

·         2023 Runner-up in 2023 INFORMS TIMES Best Working Paper Award for “Food Subsidies and Substitution: Experimental Evidence from Indian Micro Retail Panel Data”

·         2023 Finalist in 2023 INFORMS Public Sector OR Best Paper Award for “Food Subsidies and Substitution: Experimental Evidence from Indian Micro Retail Panel Data”

·         Entrant: Alp Sungu (former student), Winner of the 2023 M&SOM Student Paper Competition and Winner of the 2023 INFORMS Revenue Management and Pricing  Jeff McGill Student Paper Award for “Food Subsidies and Substitution: Experimental Evidence from Indian Micro Retail Panel Data”

·         2023 Selected for funding by the 2022 ERC Starting Grant panel for “Pathway Operations: Theory and Application to Museums”

·         2022 2nd prize of INFORMS Junior Faculty Interest Group for: “Representing Random Utility Choice Models using Neural Networks”


"The Stability of MNL-Based Demand Under Dynamic Customer Substitution and Its Algorithmic Implications."

Aouad, Ali and Danny Segev. Operations Research Vol. 71, No. 4 (2023): 1216-1249.

"The Exponomial Choice Model for Assortment Optimization: An Alternative to the MNL Model?"

Aouad, Ali, Jacob Feldman, and Danny Segev. Management Science Vol. 69, No. 5 (2023): 2814-2832.

"Online Assortment Optimization for Two-Sided Matching Platforms."

Aouad, Ali and Daniela Saban. Management Science Vol. 69, No. 4 (2023): 2069-2087.

"Market Segmentation Trees."

Aouad, Ali, Adam N. Elmachtoub, Kris J. Ferreira, and Ryan McNellis. Manufacturing and Service Operations Management Vol. 25, No. 2 (2023): 648-667.

"Dynamic Stochastic Matching Under Limited Time."

Aouad, Ali and Ömer Sarıtaç. Operations Research Vol. 70, No. 4 (2022): 2349-2383.

"Assortment Optimization Under Consider-Then-Choose Choice Models."

Aouad, Ali, Vivek Farias, and Retsef Levi. Management Science Vol. 67, No. 6 (2021): 3368-3386. Download Paper.

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